Some Sketches //WIP

I haven’t had much time at all to finish any drawings but I want to keep to my target of posting something at least once a week! These are some sketches I’ve made for my comic Infitia. I’ve been making this comic for a very long time now but it’s getting closer and closer to being complete!


I drew this before I returned home for Easter. I’m trying to understand what it means to be a child in the Victorian times and looking at the different environments as well. Footballs were made from blown-up pig’s bladders and since there was a huge population boom in the late 18th century, there were a lot of children roaming around the streets so it was easy to make friends. You would normally wear your cleanest clothes on Sunday since that’s when you go to church, which is why Charles has a different outfit from usual (I’ve drawn different designs for him depending on the occasion)

There is a light

I drew this picture a few months ago but there are too many mistakes to fix so I redrew it as a different scene. It still has a lot of mistakes which I need to fix but I will hopefully use this as my new banner when I’ve finished painting it. This picture represents a chapter in my comic where Charles meets a girl (still deciding on her name). She’s a child prostitute which earns money for her already-rich parents but she doesn’t want this to be her life, so Charles tries to find a way to get her out of the city.

There are still a lot of things for me to do for this comic, most of it is research and developing other characters before I start storyboarding. I want to understand every aspect of Victorian culture, from the different environments to the patterns and engravings on cutlery. Of course, I ain’t gettin’ no PhD in Victorian History anytime soon but I want to make this comic as realistic and believable as possible! Even aspects which people might not expect from Victorian culture, such as the circus.

I seriously can’t wait for university to be over so I can start working on this seriously again!

Author: Jo

Graphic designer and dreamer. Contact:

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