A Fleeting Memory //FINISHED


I’ve got some free time so I’ve decided to make some more art for my comic Infitia, the first chapter is called “Polaris” and I hope to release it on DA over the summer.

Infitia is a story based on Victorian England and follows a poor boy called Charles who was forced to run away from his home when his father got abusive. He lives his life on the streets, trying to do everything he can to survive, and he meets other children who are also homeless. Since meeting another boy called George, Charles tries not to let anything get in the way of him enjoying his life and both of them turn to each other for company and comfort. Spoilers: The hat in the illustration belongs to George and the flowers growing around it represents the Victorian superstition that flowers will grow in your grave if you are a good person but weeds will grow if you were evil. Oh yeah, George dies if you didn’t guess already. Charles buries him in an open field away from the city as they used to go there to see the stars at night, which explains the meaning of the title.

Infitia is a latin word meaning “denial”, denial of the treatment of children during the Victorian era. I have always been intrigued and perplexed by the treatment of children by the Victorians and I hope to explore a lot of themes such as life and death, superstition, morality, mortality, prostitution and corruption. The entire comic will be in greyscale as the first photographs developed during the Victorian era were black and white, plus I don’t think I’m good enough at painting to paint in colour.

Anyway, that’s enough from me. Hope you like it!

Author: Jo

Graphic designer and dreamer. Contact: law.jo233@gmail.com

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